News Articles

Cyclist and Motor Vehicle For a cyclist, accidents involving vehicles can be especially devastating. As one could expect, it’s likely going to be the cyclist that sustains the most severe injuries. Cyclists aren’t always ready to put away their bikes away when summer ends. Look around and you’ll see plenty of bikes commuting, or enjoying the weather during all seasons. When someone heads outdoors for a bike ride, they don’t expect a cycling accident. As cyclists ride, they expect to be treated basically as another vehicle. After all, a cyclist has the same rights and follows nearly all “rules ...

Injury From Dog Bite Incident According to a combination of reliable data and statistics, 1 out of every 60-70 people will suffer a dog bite injury each year. When dogs attack, people get hurt. In 2018 there were 36 dog attack fatalities. Between January and August of 2019, there have already been 30 reported deaths. Victims of a vicious dog attack are: pet owners, neighbors, babysitters, extended family members, or strangers. When there is a dog bite injury, some people are injured more severely than others. The type of dog breed and the age of the victim have an influence on the injuries ...

Boating Incident Only about one in ten Wisconsin residents owns a registered boat. Yet, a number of family, friends and neighbors may occupy the watercraft at any given time. Other boats share the same bodies of water, and may carry additional occupants. When human error, negligence, substances, mechanical defects, or other external factors are considered; events can change from fun to tragic quickly. Thankfully, boating incidents on our rivers and lakes have been fairly rare. But because the sport involves people and various scenarios; anything could happen. For these reasons, you could ...

Legal Fees Associated With Lawsuit You’ve been in a wreck. Now you wonder how you’re going to pay for an accident lawyer. Understand that good lawyers protect their clients from situations that may bring additional and unnecessary emotional, physical or financial hardship. Hiring the wrong attorney can be an expensive mistake. Therefore, details about legal fees should be transparent. How to pay for an accident lawyer IS your business. Furthermore, when considering which accident law firm to represent your injury lawsuit, ensure that they have been upfront about their legal fees. The Action ...

“Be Seen” Action Law Offices Safety Program For nearly ten years, the Action Law Offices BE SEEN mascot named “Safety Bear,” has been involved community events and parades across Southeastern Wisconsin. Safety bear helps us connect with children to teach really important safety skills through games, color-books, demonstrations, and one-on-one interaction. Visit Safety Bear and join in on the educational activities this summer! Safety Bear Will Be At These Local Events Washington County Fair, Saturday July 27, 2019 Tosa’s Night Out @ Milwaukee County Zoo, Wednesday July 31st, 2019 Racine’s ...

Eyewitness Statement If you’re the eyewitness to an accident that caused property damage or injury to others, the recommendation is to report it right away. It could be recreational accident, car or truck crash, a slip and fall, a dog bite incident, or just about anything in-between. Along with being a witness, there are responsibilities. Whenever possible, provide your statement to law enforcement at the scene of the accident. It’s understood that not all witnesses have the ability to come forward right away. If this is the case, simply call 911 to provide your contact information and brief ...