News Articles

According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services data, unintentional injury was the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 1 and 44 in 2017. The current pandemic is a real-life example displaying the importance of how following safety precautions can avoid injury and save lives. We appreciate everyone who is doing their part to keep others safe during these trying times. We ask that you remain vigilant and aware of all dangerous situations to avoid injury to others. If you become an injured victim, contact Action Law Offices. We’d like to discuss how personal injury ...

For those who drive in Wisconsin, auto insurance is a financial responsibility to be taken seriously. Top priority should be to have the Wisconsin Car Insurance, at least the minimum insurance requirements. Minimum WI liability insurance requirements: $25,000 for bodily injury to one person (BI) $50,000 for bodily injury to multiple people in one accident (BI) $10,000 for property damage in one accident (PD) Unfortunately, there are still a small percentage of uninsured drivers on the road, there is additional minimum uninsured driver insurance required in Wisconsin. (In addition to liability ...

Construction sites are complex work environments. They involve workers completing jobs in a variety of tricky situations such as changing weather conditions, working in confined spaces, low-light, on elevated structures, operating heavy machinery, and using potentially dangerous equipment. The fact that they work so closely to moving traffic, pedestrians and other passers-by makes construction site accidents a high risk for everyone including people who are passing by on foot, on a bike, or in a vehicle. Construction Conditions & Accidents It is a fact that many construction workers are ...

Due to Wisconsin governors “stay at home” orders, March traffic was down 50% from beginning of month to end. (DOT traffic volume stats) Although traffic has declined near Action Law’s Milwaukee location and on Milwaukee’s interstates, some people are reporting heavier than normal traffic on non-interstate roads. There are also an increasing number of children on bikes, road cyclist’s and motorcycle enthusiasts. On a typical day, Milwaukee interstates and other highly-traveled routes can be “bumper to bumper” with plenty of stressed-out commuters. Distracted drivers get caught up doing things ...

Should you forego medical treatment? This is a decision folks are facing, if involved in an accident today. The COVID-19 virus pandemic has filled hospital emergency rooms and hospital beds. However, a potential personal injury lawsuit depends heavily on being evaluated by doctors and following treatment plans. Your health prognosis depends on it as well. Today, due the situation caused by the pandemic, you’re left wondering if medical treatment is worth the risk, or even possible. Getting the medical treatment you need may be a little tricky, but not impossible. By far, the most important ...

To be awarded compensation in Wisconsin, there must be conclusive evidence that proves who is at fault and therefore liable to pay for damages. In many cases, proving fault isn’t as easy as it sounds, even if your injuries or losses seem significant. It’s true that some cases are more difficult than others. It’s also true that some law firms won’t listen to the details of your claim because they make quick assumptions. Your case may be complicated. However, if you continue to feel strongly about the possibilities, then get yourself a second opinion.Take advantage of the free consultation for ...

While you’re healing from your injuries, the insurance company will be busy gathering information to make their determination about your claim. If you don’t agree with what the insurance company concludes, it doesn’t mean that you must go with it. It’s not at all unusual for the insurance company to lowball an offer and prompt quick acceptance. For the injured, we understand that learning about who’s responsible for the accident is an immediate concern. Hear what the insurance company has to say, but resist the pressure they may place on you to accept. If you disagree with, or question their ...

There’s an unfortunate series of events that lead up to any accident. Then, in an instant, you're rushed to the hospital. Injuries sustained require on-going medical treatment for months. You lose wages, the potential to earn wages; there’s property to replace and a tremendous amount of pain and suffering. The insurance company proves to be difficult. Information found online is confusing, misleading, or just plain incorrect. While you heal from injuries, you’re in need of professional advice to obtain fair compensation. This is not an uncommon scenario. Is an injury attorney worth it? You bet ...

Most people this time of year are thinking about items that need to be done before the holidays. It’s generally an exciting time of year, but “to-do” lists are becoming larger. The window of time necessary to complete tasks become smaller. Gatherings, gifts and work demands become more demanding. In Wisconsin, there’s the added stress of icy roads and sidewalks that winter brings. All of this leads to rushing, speeding, and sadly, some people aren’t as considerate as they should be. Road Conditions And Auto Accident Weather is often to blame for accidents on streets and highways. Spin-outs ...

Safe Driving Takes Back Seat to Mobile Phones Isn’t it every day that we see people using their hand-held devices while driving? Of course nobody purposefully intends to hurt anyone else. But, what they’re actually saying is that their message, search, music or social media is far more important that the life and safety of others around them. According to most recent WI DOT data, “texting & driving” is the leading cause of distracted driving accidents. It also indicates an increase in fatal crashes, as well as increases in injuries due to excessive speed. There are many things that a driver ...